A thing most kids can relate to.

My life as a mid school student...

Okay parents don't realize what middle school is actually like. They always talk like its nothing when most of the time you have so much stress about test and quizzes if your like me. Then they pressure you to get great grades when our test are harder than theirs every were. That and our teachers probably don't care weather the test is hard they just probably teach for the money, but not all teachers are like that. Like there are teachers that actually care about your feelings. These teachers don't just care about the money they care about how are you feeling, do you like the class, and don't make such hard tests. Then when we do get a bad grade they offer extra credit while the others teachers don't. I feel most mid school students can relate to this. But my parents they always reference to when they were a kid and they didn't have electronics they played outside... But they don't understand that this is a whole different generation and we grew up with electronics. So electronics kinda are a huge part in our lives, but our parents can't understand that. Thats it for now keep tuned with more about my life and blogs BYE!!


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